Tag Archive | "zonta club of hilo"


Scholarship applications now being accepted

MEDIA RELEASE A variety of scholarship opportunities are available for Big Island students and deadlines are fast approaching … Hawaii Community Foundation With the changing economic landscape, HCF has seen an increase in the number of those in Hawaii seeking scholarships, including nontraditional students who are juggling families and jobs as they pursue their educational […]

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Zontian Debbie Shigehara orchestrates creating "Move in Packs" with HOPE volunteers. The packs will help formerly homeless folks get started in new homes.

Hilo Zontians craft their way to $10,000 gift to HOPE Services

Almost 30 Hilo Zontians took part in the workday April 28 as part of the Weinberg Friends Program. In return for the sweat equity, Zonta became the conduit of $10,000 of Weinberg funds to HOPE.

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