Tag Archive | "pldc"

House passes bill to repeal the PLDC

The Hawaii House of Representatives unanimously passed HB1133, which would repeal the Public Land Development Corporation (PLDC). House Lawmakers held a public hearing last Saturday to engage the community in considering a variety of options for dealing with the PLDC that ranged from overhauling the administrative rules to repealing the corporation. Testimony from the five-hour […]

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State Capitol Building, Honolulu

House moves to repeal PLDC

MEDIA RELEASE The state House Water & Land Committee and Finance Committee unanimously adopted HB1133, which would repeal the Public Land Development Corporation. The bill will now be subject to a full vote on the House floor and, should it pass, cross over to the Senate for consideration. The remainder of the bills relating to […]

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Governor Abercrombie makes statement regarding the PLDC

Gov. Abercrombie today stated: “With many others, I believe in the legislative intent of Act 55, which has the potential to support using public lands for public purposes that otherwise will not have sufficient funding. “However, after reviewing the information compiled by the DLNR and suggested rule and regulation proposals, I believe the administrative rules […]

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Rudolph: Repeal the PLDC

Rudolph: Repeal the PLDC

(Reader Opinions Disclaimer: This column allows members of the community to share their opinions and views, which do not necessarily reflect those of Hawaii 24/7, its staff, sponsors or anyone other than the writer. Hawaii 24/7 reserves the right to refuse any column deemed to be misinformation, of an unethical nature, a personal attack, or […]

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