Tag Archive | "exoplanets"

This artist's conception shows the KOI-961 planetary system. The system hosts the three smallest planets known to orbit a star beyond our sun (called KOI-961.01, KOI-961.02 and KOI-961.03). The smallest of these planets, KOI-961.03, is about the same size as Mars. All three planets take less than two days to whip around their star. Illustration courtesy of Caltech

Astronomers discover three small exoplanets orbiting a star

The three small exoplanets orbit a star called KOI-961. Their radii are calculated to be 78, 73 and 57 percent that of Earth.

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Keck Telescopes find 18 new exoplanets

Keck Telescopes find 18 new exoplanets

MEDIA RELEASE A whopping 18 new, bona fide exoplanets have been discovered and confirmed by a team of Caltech astronomers using the Keck Telescopes and two other ground-based observatories. “It’s the largest single announcement of planets in orbit around stars more massive than the sun, aside from the discoveries made by the Kepler mission,” said […]

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