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Alternate Energy offering $1,000 scholarship


For 20 years, Alternate Energy Inc. has been a frontrunner in Hawaii’s solar energy movement, helping educate residents on the environmental and financial benefits to alternate energy sources.

This year, it is offering a scholarship to Hawaii students (Hawaii residents and out-of-state students studying in Hawaii are eligible).

* Scholarship Amount: $1000

* Deadline for Entry: Sunday, July 27, 2014

* Scholarship Award Date: Monday, Aug. 11, 2014

* Number of Winners Selected: 1

* Minimum GPA Requirement: 2.50

* Eligible Fields of Study: All

* Eligible Schools: Any accredited university in the U.S.

* Eligible Grade Levels: Both Undergraduate and Graduate-level students for the 2014 – 2015 academic year are eligible

* Eligible Students: Both Hawaii residents attending any accredited university in the U.S., or out-of-state residents attending any accredited university in the state of Hawaii are eligible

Application Instructions:

Choose one of the two essays below to complete for the application.

Submit the essay as a PDF with a title page including the following information:

Field of Study
Year of School
Phone Number
Email Address

Name the file as follows: “lastname-firstname-essay-1.pdf” for essay #1 or “lastname-firstname-essay-2.pdf” for essay #2

Email application to

Essay Topics

1. How does sustainability make Hawaii a better place to live?

Alternate sources of energy, such as solar power, are becoming more widely adopted across Hawaii, largely due to Hawaii’s renewable energy tax incentives and cost benefits for residents.
In 500 words, please explain how you feel sustainability makes Hawaii a better place to live and how a more sustainable Hawaii impacts your day-to-day life.

2. Hawaii Solar Energy Timeline

Hawaii has a history of pushing for a more solar friendly state legislature, going back to 1976 with the passing of the Energy Tax Act. However, we are still quite a ways away from a mass solar energy adoption in the state.

In 500 words, please explain how you would push state legislation and non-solar energy providers toward a more widely adopted solar-powered Hawaii.

— Find out more:

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