Categorized | Health

Hawaii Health Connector enrollment, payment deadlines


Consumers who selected a health or dental plan through the Hawaii Health Connector by Jan. 15 should be aware of upcoming premium payment deadlines for coverage that begins Feb. 1.

Individuals and families have until March 31, 2014 to enroll in a plan to avoid tax penalties. Individuals and families can receive tax subsidies only through the Hawaii Health Connector.

The following enrollment and premium payment deadlines have been established in conjunction with the participating health and dental plans for the remainder of the open enrollment period that ends March 31, 2014:


The Hawaii Health Connector Customer Support Center at 1-877-628-5076 (TTY/TDD: 1-855-585-8604). The phone numbers for the participating health and dental plans are:

HMSA: Oahu (808) 948-5555; Toll Free (800) 620-4672

Kaiser: Oahu (808) 432-5955; Neighbor Islands (800) 966-5955

HDS: Oahu (808) 529-9248; Toll Free (800) 232-2533

Best Life (800) 433-0088

Consumer Metrics as of Jan. 11:

A total of 2,709 individuals have enrolled in a health plan and 350 businesses have applied for a health plan through the Hawaii Health Connector as of Jan. 11.

Total since Oct. 1, 2013 (Through Jan. 11):

33 Community Partners statewide
108 Certified Kokua or In-Person Assisters
34 Certified Kokua or Certified Application Counselors (CACs)
176,862 Unique Visitors to
57,605 Calls received by our Customer Support Center

The Hawaii Health Connector is the online health insurance marketplace for Hawaii. The Connector was established as a non-profit organization in 2011 by the Hawaii State Legislature through Act 205, in order to comply with the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010.

The Connector’s aim is an online marketplace that is of Hawaii-for-Hawaii, one that takes into account the State’s unique culture and works with the Prepaid Health Care Act, an employer mandate for health insurance coverage in effect since 1974.

— Find out more:

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