Tag Archive | "electric vehicles"

The State of Hawai'i is re-energizing its successful EV Ready Rebate Program with an additional $150,000 and has extended the deadline for rebates on new electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and chargers from January 31 to March 31, 2012.

State extends electric vehicle rebate program with $150K boost

The State of Hawai’i is re-energizing its successful EV Ready Rebate Program with an additional $150,000 and has extended the deadline for rebates on new electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and chargers from January 31 to March 31, 2012.

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Gabbard: Age of the electric car moves closer to reality

Gabbard: Age of the electric car moves closer to reality

Sen. Mike Gabbard, District 19 How’s this for an interesting piece of trivia? The first car that arrived in Hawaii in October 1898 was a Woods Electric owned by Henry P. Baldwin. I was on Energy Futures, a live call-in radio show on Hawaii Public Radio hosted by Donalyn Dela Cruz, last month to discuss […]

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