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Woman rescued after falling down Wainaku River embankment Tuesday (March 24)

Fire/rescue crews responded to a 3:05 p.m. alarm Tuesday (March 24) to the area near Wainaku Bridge in Hilo for a woman who was injured and unconscious after falling down the river embankment onto rocks at the river’s edge.

The fire helicopter, Chopper One, responded to the scene but due to the trees, power lines and steep embankment made flying into the area too dangerous. Three rescue specialists rappelled down 40 feet to the unconscious woman.

The fire rescue specialists were able to treat and stabilize the woman, place her into a rescue litter to be hoisted up to the bridge with the help of a new fire department ladder truck.

The roadway was blocked during the rescue mission.

It was not reported as to the condition of the woman after the rescue.

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